The Most "Innovative And Financially Rewarding"
Membership Site On The Internet

With The Launch of DMC GOLD The Digibiz Marketers Club Will Be Releasing It's Brand New Affiliate Program
Returning A MASSIVE 80%
To Active Subscribers!
Subscribers Will "Earn Exponentially" With The Never Seen Before

This GOLDEN GOOSE Will Lay GOLDEN EGGS Like You Have Never Seen Before...
Specifically Designed To Race You To $20K Per Month In Just A Few Short Months If Not Weeks!

ATTENTION: Internet Marketers
As Part Of Your Gold Membership, You Can Now Get Your Eyes On Arguably The Most Prestigious Marketing Magazine In Town And Get Paid To Read It.
Get Paid So Much You Could Tell Your Boss You Know
What As Early As Next Week.
The Internet Marketers Magazine
for Marketers By Marketers.

And Anyway… How Would You Know Which Bit of Advice Actually Works the Best?
And If you’re a serious Internet Marketer then you value your time.
Everybody knows that time is money and free time is sacred.
In order to be effective, (without being online 24/7), you NEED to stay updated with the current and future trends and changes offline and online marketing world, otherwise, you’ll not have a clue on how to make and keep making money in this way consistently.
With every new strategy you miss, it’s a sale you don’t get… and it is that simple.
You’ll get left behind in this faced-paced world.
On that note, if you want to actually make any money worth talking about, you need to know what’s hot and what’s not, without spending all day researching and figuring it out yourself, like you used to have to do.
Why am I fed up with you using this method of Internet Marketing?
Because it’s such a backward approach in such modern times!
You deserve better!
Any information you get should be faster, more accessible, and of the best quality. None of this messing about, looking for ideas, proper tools, or templates (or process models) you can use, only to be disappointed.
In my early days, before I understood this stuff, I was signing up for fifty different things because I didn’t know where I could find it all in one place. I was completely overwhelmed.
I needed to solve this messy and scattered time-waster of a problem…fast.
The Solution Needed To Be Having This Information In One Place But Delivered
You see, by the time, you’ve mastered one aspect of Internet Marketing, a new solution will be invented, and you would have to return and do the same thing all over again. No way, that’s crazy. You’d never catch up. I knew this fact, and that it was seriously holding you back unnecessarily.
So I had a ‘Eureka’ moment…
What If I hired real-life experts to keep me up to date and help me put together a newsletter where they could regularly give me a real-time device?
And what if I could let you subscribe to my newsletter so that as we found out the latest hype (my team of experts and me), we could instantly report it back to you?
And that means no more manual labor sucking up your time.
It’s not that manual labor should be discouraged, but it is seriously time-consuming and prone to trial and error. By the time you work it out, there’ll be a better way to do it and you’ll not even be informed.
How can you go looking for something you don’t know about?
I know a lot of you want to do everything for yourself and take your full time to do it, I admire that. That was me when I started out full of hope and ambition. But I got tired and the money wasn’t rolling in so much because I was working in the business, instead of on the business.
I was a one-man-band – the research guy, the development guy, the website guy, the guy who made the mistakes and then had to fix them, and the constantly-reading-and-writing guy. I promise you, it gets very old after a while, especially when you want to move on to a new project and are worn down from trying to get the last one right before you do.
It’s just so de-motivating to go it alone. Whether that is wanting to promote your website, increase your traffic, design new products, use social media, find out what’s converting well or create better campaigns…
You need to be honest with yourself:
Trying to get it perfect alone, with no short-cuts or quality advice and tools is just needless and trying. You will encounter so much trial and error, you will have to read and cross-examine the information and tips you do attempt to follow, and meanwhile…
I knew I could solve this problem for you for good…
Why You Should Be Fed Up With Manual Internet Marketing?
“I Discovered That The Richest Internet Marketers On The Planet Worked Smarter Not Harder. They Made Everything They Needed Come To Them…”
He never, ever did all of the work himself.
He had a ‘guy’ for everything that he kept connected to (at all times)
Research – he had a guy for that
Development – he had a guy for that
Market Analysis – he had a guy for that
Emergencies – he had a guy for that
Latest global news, flops, and trends – you get the point…
In fact, what he did to become so successful is the same thing you are going to use to do the same; only faster – and online, making money while you sleep.
The answer you need is now online and finally ready to take the Internet Marketing community by storm…

You’re Going To Get The Only Monthly Magazine
That Has Harvested And Resourced
From The Most Prolific & Constantly Updated Expert Advice Available And Then
Reported Back To You Like Your Very OWN Business Advisor.
Now, most of us do not have the money to hire experts to cover every aspect of Internet Marketing, especially ones that will be accurate every time with every changing facet of it as the year goes on and new trends and strategies become available or new tools are released.
So, I thought to myself – it’s time to create an online magazine that is: Written by myself and select experts/partners in their respective Internet marketing fields.
Was cost-effective and had only premium content, advice and free (useful) bonuses you could use to sell far better than you have been. Included Internet Marketing advice that covered everything you COULD EVER need to be successful – from social media, to YouTube, to content creation and affiliate marketing Was a highly converting, reviewed and respected newsletter that people time and time again were praising Was immensely useful, informative and packed with value for you and your online business or website Knew the marketplace inside and out Always told the truth as it unfolded
NEVER EVER used stagnant or old news or information like the majority of websites Was professionally designed like a real glossy magazine, nothing like a standard ‘unloved’ newsletter.
We Study What's Working, What's Converting And Report Back To You – How Much Easier Could It Actually Get? So, with this in mind, let me introduce you to the topics and features you can come to expect each month within each upcoming issue of your Premium Magazine:
YouTube: Easy insider tricks to making ridiculously simple videos that send traffic and sales to you on autopilot
Blogging: How to get your readers positively addicted to your content from the very first time they visit.
Conversions: How to literally quadruple your sales conversions, guaranteed. Make 4 times the profits from the SAME traffic… all inside.
Outsourcing: This is the key to making millions, yet most marketers get it totally wrong. I’ll tell you how to use outsourcing to make your first 5, 6 and eventually 7 figure incomes.
JVs: Confused about successful JVs? Think you don’t have anything to offer? Guess again! Here are over 20 methods to get JVs with almost anyone.
Offliners: Find rejection hard? Here are 5 simple services you can offer that will have real businesses begging for your services.
Persuasion: Top 20 tactics for quickly and easily turning prospects into buyers using the Jedi mind tricks of master hypnotists. (Your prospects won’t stand a chance without these psychological hacks!)
Fiverr: How to earn $500 or more per week doing simple little things that require almost no skill.
Facebook: How to make a killing on Facebook with a $50 budget and zero experience.
Free Marketing Tips: How to completely differentiate yourself from every other offline marketer out there and show your clients how to make far MORE money without spending a dime on advertising! And remember – these tips are constantly updated so that they change instantly with the market.
Niches: 50 niches that are just begging to be exploited. We’re talking low competition and high profits.
Listbuilding: How to continually build of enthusiastic spenders without ever selling a single product (indispensable!).
Webinars: The step-by-step system anyone can use to host profit-pulling webinars – even if you don’t have anything to sell and you hate speaking!
Podcasting: How to tailor your podcast to stand out from others. Design yours to become a non-stop money maker with these 25 little-known techniques.
You get the NEWS and latest hot RESOURCES & most current ideas all related to Internet Marketing so there is nothing that will go unused!
We are also going to be sending you our supporting Paid Weekly Newsletter “Marketing Matters” with up-to-date articles to read with your coffee, each and every Monday morning. 52 X per year. Even if it’s Xmas Morning. Value Alone $15 per Month.
Together with the normal Magazine Subscription of $30 per month gives this bundle value alone well in access to the Gold Membership.
So besides having Your Monthly “Flip Book Magazine” and Weekly Newsletter, 3X the Content of the Silver Membership, and $100’s in Value of new Products, Prizes, and Surprises added each Month, You Also Have the Opportunity to Earn a Substantial Monthly Income for Helping to grow the DMC. This puts you miles in front of any comparable Club Offering around today.
Our Quad Tiered Reverse Impact Compensation Plan has been Affectionately Christened Gerty. Gerty is Our Golden Goose Who Lays Our Golden Eggs. This is how it all happens, just watch the Exponential Growth AND how your Earnings Explode.
As stated DMC returns 80% of your monthly payment back into the compensation pool for distribution.
Distribution $32.00
Percentage 80%

Now that you have finished Picking Up Your Jaw
from the Floor, Let’s do a Summary.
It is quite obvious which Plan is preferable from a Business Standpoint. Anyone would certainly sacrifice $72 on the first 2 Tiers to achieve the Phenomenal Returns available using Gerty. A plus of $432 on level 3 and an unbelievable increase of $15,592 on Tier 4. Let me tell you none of these figures are unachievable. We are only talking of a downline of 1554 to earn $21,042 each and every month.
Naturally, no plan will go in perfect numbers of six but as you can see any combination will just about get you a positive return when getting paid from your second level. In the chart above you can see a return of $234 after level 2. That is nearly a 5X Return right there. By level three you have nearly an extra $2000 a month coming in.
There is not a lot more to say except to reiterate that this is as good as it gets and to sweeten the deal I am putting 5 PLR DFY Funnels in the Members area as a bonus. Yours to BRAND, KEEP and SELL FOREVER. And p.s. Did I mention You are Free to cancel anytime.